Monday, March 14, 2011

Lindy and Vusi

Wow... what a rich and eventful day. I put a lot of value in the experiences we have while recording a traditional or semi-traditional wedding. While Lindy was getting dressed at her mother's family home, I was waiting between drums of home made beer, sheep skins and people of all ages singing and dancing around everywhere. It's at times like these that I have to constantly remind myself that I'm in fact recording a wedding, it's so easy to get carried away with the camera...

The wedding party eventually left for the wedding venue and I strated panicking when I nearly got lost while hitching a ride with the make-up girl (the rest of the team was already at the venue).

Lindy and Vusi was renewing their wedding vows after 16 years of marriage and their two daughters got to witness a beautiful and touching wedding. Thank you that we could be part of your very memorable and colourful day!

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